Orchestrateur – Rosalia de Castro


Lagos, cascadas, torrentes, veigas froridas, valles, montañas, ceos azues e serenos com’os d’Italia, horizontes nubrados e malencónicos anque sempre hermosos com’os tan alabados da Suiza; ribeiras apacibres e sereniñas, cabos tempestuosos qu’aterran e adimiran pola súa xigantesca e xorda cólera… mares imensos… ¿que direi más? non hai pruma que poida enumerar tanto encanto reunido. A terra cuberta en tódalas estacións de herbiñas e de frores; os montes cheios de pinos, de robres e salgueiros; os lixeiros ventos que pasan; as fontes i os torrentes derramándose fervedores e cristaínos, vran e inverno, xa polos risoños campos, xa en profundas e sombrisas hondanadas… Galicia é sempre un xardín donde se respiran aromas puros, frescura e poesía… E a pesar desto chega a tanto a fatuidade dos iñorantes, a tanto a indina preocupación que contra a nosa terra existe, qu’inda os mesmos que poideron contemprar tanta hermosura (xa non falamos dos que se bulrán de nós sin que xamais nos haian visto nin aínda de lonxe, que son os maís) inda os que penetraron en Galicia e gozaron das delicias qu’ofrece, atreverónse a dicir que Galicia era… ¡¡un cortello inmundo!!

Rosalia de Castro (1863) Cantares Gallegos. Ed. de María Xesus Lama (1995). Galaxia.

Lagos, waterfalls, torrents, frosted valleys, valleys, mountains, blue and calm skies like those of Italy, clouded and melancholic horizons, but always beautiful as those so praised from Switzerland; seagull shores and serene, stormy rocks that reach out and grow by its gigantic and deaf anger … immense seas … what will I say more? There is no prawn that can enumerate so much charm gathered. The land covered in all herbal and frost stations; mountains full of pine trees, of robbers and willows; the slight winds that pass; the fountains and the streams spilling boilers and crystals, green and winter, already by the laughter fields, already in shallow depths and gills … Galicia is always a garden where pure aromas, freshness and poetry are breathed … And in spite of this the fatuity arrives from the swindlers, to the indigenous concern that exists against our earth, that with the same ones that could have had such beauty (we no longer speak of those who brag about us without we have ever seen them or even from afar, who are the best ) Even those who have penetrated in Galicia and enjoyed the delights it offers, dared to say that Galicia was … an filthy pigsty !!


1. Roles emocionales

Experiencers: el narrador – el lector — « los ignorantes »
Orquestrador : narrador

2. Emociones de los experiencers

• el narrador – el lector :
encanto — gozar — contemplar — delicias

• « los ignorantes » : se butran — inmundo  > desprecio

3. Argumentación de las emociones

(1) E. justificada


(2) E. absurda

1) descalificación:
fatuidad dos ignorantes
indina preocupación

2) contradicción, forma de ad hominem
               sin que jamas nos haian visto
               gozaron … ¡¡un cortello inmundo!!

Expresividad escrita (del narador)

era… ¡¡un cortello inmundo!!