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Research - Workplace interaction

Through a series of very fruitful fieldwork experiences, I have had the occasion to study various professional settings and to record ordinary work practices and interactions. These include medical contexts, such as surgery, anaesthesiology, and psychiatry, as well as scientific labs, and business settings such as corporate work meetings, customer oriented services, call centres and showrooms.

On the basis of recorded data in these settings, I have been researching the way in which team work is organized and coordinated in the midst of collective actions such as surgery, formulating diagnoses, making decisions, negotiating, displaying expertise, disagreeing, and coming to agreement. Sequential organization, the use of multimodal resources, artefacts, and technological objects, and the finely tuned coordination between concurrent actions have been explored with these data.

Moreover, the study of international work contexts – begun with a project funded by the Swiss National Foundation (1997-2001) and further developed with a project funded by the European 6th Framework (2007-2011) – raises the question of the role of plurilingual resources in the organization of collaboration and collective actions.